COOLPEEL Conveniently Located in NYC

Conveniently located to serve NYC & Westchester, NY

Improve scars, fine wrinkles, enlarged pores and unslightly pigmentation. In addition to the laser skin resurfacing technologies offered at our Manhattan plastic surgery office, Dr. Rothaus also provides patients with several radiofrequency skin resurfacing options. Rothaus Plastic Surgery treats patients living in NYC, Manhattan, Westchester, the Upper East Side, and nearby communities in New York.

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CoolPeel is the newest and most advanced fractional CO2 laser for skin rejuvenation.

CoolPeel is the newest and most advanced fractional CO2 laser for skin rejuvenation. This revolutionary laser resurfacing treatment has minimal downtime and is virtually painless. By delivering precise and short pulses of laser energy, it targets your superficial skin layer to remove blemishes and reduce wrinkles.

It is referred to as “cool” because it does not have the intense heat that previous fractional laser treatments have. Other ablative laser treatments create lingering heat, which damages the nearby tissue, resulting in longer downtime.


If you want to improve your complexion and get rid of sun damage, hyperpigmentation, scars, and age lines, then you are a good candidate for a CoolPeel treatment. Patients who want to revitalize their appearance without undergoing invasive procedures are ideal candidates for CoolPeel.

It can be used to rejuvenate any skin type, even sensitive skin. However, it may not be ideal if you have an active skin infection.


An evaluation of your skin type will be performed during your initial consultation, along with a physical examination of your concerns and target areas. There will be a discussion of your goals, which will help to determine the best treatment plan.

Most importantly, your medical history, underlying conditions, and current medications will be reviewed to ensure you are fit for the CoolPeel laser treatment.


CoolPeel’s proprietary and advanced waveform and delivery improve scars, fine wrinkles, enlarged pores and unsightly pigmentation. The procedure is comfortable enough to be performed using topical anesthesia or none at all. The treatment takes less than 30 minutes and most patients have minimal to no residual redness the next morning.


If the patient desires topical anesthesia, it is applied 30 minutes before the treatment. The entire face can be treated in 15-30 minutes and then a luxurious mask is placed on the face. Once the mask is removed a soothing gel is applied to complete the entire procedure. Patients see improvement after one procedure, but generally a series of 3 monthly CoolPeel treatments is recommended.


At the end of the procedure there is minimal erythema (redness), but this has almost completely resolved by the next morning for the majority of patients. A mineral makeup can be used the next morning and normal activities can be resumed. As the skin may be drier than normal for a week or so, use of a gentle moisturizer as needed is recommended.

Real Patient Testimonials

My face looks amazing after Sub Z Cool Peel, I had Sub Z Cool Peel treatment done by Dr. Rothaus. It was very pleasant experience with no pain and discomfort, also there was very minimal down time. My face looked normal 2 days later. I’m very happy with the results a month later. Skin tone is more even and face feels firmer. Dr. Rothaus is well experienced professional at his field. I will def go back for another treatment. Highly recommend!

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Dr. Rothaus tailors each CoolPeel™ treatment to the patient’s needs, so the cost does vary. After the consultation, we can provide you with a price of the procedure or series. In the meantime, please review the information about our financing options.

We invite you to call our office and schedule your consultation with Dr. Rothaus today. Rothaus Plastic Surgery provides expert RF skin resurfacing treatments to patients in New York, Manhattan, Westchester, and surrounding New York communities. Contact our office today to schedule your personalized consultation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I See Results from CoolPeel?

Patients can start to see results 4-6 weeks after a CoolPeel treatment.

What makes the Tetra CO2 Laser better than other CO2 lasers?

There are many different types of CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers on the market. It is a laser system that uses ablative energy to resurface the outer layers of the skin. CO2 lasers are used to improve hyperpigmentation, fine lines, pore size, texture and other common skin problems. However, older CO2 lasers are associated with significant downtime to the patient. CoolPeel is a specific setting within the Tetra CO2 laser system that allows us to treat a wide variety of skin conditions without the downtime. A CoolPeel treatment is a non-invasive, painless laser procedure that results in tighter pores, smoother skin, reduced sun damage and an overall healthier complexion.

What Should I Expect during a CoolPeel Treatment?

Each appointment begins with a thorough skin consultation to discuss your concerns and goals. Your provider will go over all the options available to you and prep you for the procedure. We often apply topical numbing cream to the treatment area for 30-45 minutes to properly anesthetize the area so you are comfortable for the duration of the procedure. CoolPeel takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on how many areas are being treated. During this time, you may feel warmth from the laser but it should not be painful. Afterward, we apply a moisturizer to the skin and provide you with a skincare kit to facilitate the healing process. We recommend the next treatment to be done 4-6 weeks later.

How many CoolPeel treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of three CoolPeel treatments for maximum results.

Does CoolPeel have any Downtime?

There is no significant downtime after a CoolPeel treatment. The skin may appear pink for up to 24-48 hours afterward, but quickly subsides. Patients with more sensitive skin might have more redness for up to 72 hours.

How much does CoolPeel cost?

CoolPeel pricing depends on what areas are being treated. This ranges from $750 for lower eyelids, $1,200 for the full face and $1,500 for the face and neck.

What Areas Can CoolPeel Treat?

CoolPeel is a versatile treatment that targets many different areas. Some of the most common ones include the face, neck, chest, hands, and lower eyelids.

Am I a Candidate for CoolPeel?

Appropriate candidates for CoolPeel are patients with superficial skin concerns such as enlarged pores, uneven texture, brown spots, fine lines and dullness. During your consultation, our providers will discuss in detail how CoolPeel can help you achieve your skin goals.

Is CoolPeel Painful?

CoolPeel is a non-invasive superficial laser procedure. The energy stays on the top layer of the skin and is delivered at a low-energy setting ensuring a pain-free experience.

About Dr. Rothaus

Kenneth O. Rothaus, MD is a board-certified Manhattan and Westchester plastic surgeon offering cosmetic and reconstructive surgery for the face, breast, body, and skin. Educated at Yale College and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Rothaus’ general and plastic surgery training was at the Columbia and Cornell campuses of the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Rothaus values the wants and needs of his patients and strives to give them the best experience possible.

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